The Approach in Managing for Education Disabled Students of Local Admistration Organization

: ชื่อผู้วิจัย รศ.ดร. จุไร ทัพวงษ์
: ตำแหน่ง -
: การศึกษาพิเศษ
: ปี 2553
: 665

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บทคัดย่อ (Abstract)

According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2550, the local administration organization has wide roles and function as the main organization in provision of every aspect of local services including educational management for disabled people. This is because the local administration organization is the work unit that has the closest contact with the local people. The objective of this article is to review legislation issues including enforcement of laws concerning the educational management for disabled people by the local administration organization. Research findings indicate that the local administration still has problems on law enforcement on the matter. Therefore, the local administration organization should take actions on issuing rules, regulations, criteria, and practice guidelines in support of the service provision in order to achieve actual enforcement of the concerned laws. Furthermore, the local administration organization should diffuse information to promote knowledge and understanding on the rights, freedom, and equality concerning education of disabled people to enable the community and society to be aware of the rights, freedom, and equality of disabled people.

Keywords: Educational Management, Disabled Persons, Law, Local Administration Organization


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